Circuit information
  • 3.743 m
  • 14 corners
  • Jun 28, 2024
  • From €150.00
  • No more places instruction available
  • 10+ free ride spots available
Circuit information
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You have chosen: "free driving". Racecracks will then classify you for the correct level. It is not possible to claim a level. Choose your options below. Make sure your lap times in your portal are up to date and update them from time to time.

Anyone without track experience on a big track starts in level 1. Do you already have lap times? Fill this in on your portal. By checking a level you give Racecracks an advice for the level. Racecracks determines on the basis of the info + lap times + the speed of the other riders in which level you are placed.
Driving style on the street or on the track
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